The Great Green Wall Initiative in Senegal Established in 2007 under the leadership of the African Union, the Great Green Wall initiative is dedicated to restore degraded landscapes across the Sahel region, with the ultimate goal of positively impacting the lives of millions on the continent. [...] The Government of Senegal is prioritizing the shift towards a green and inclusive economy The country’s commitment is based on the conviction that a • Point 2 of the Action Plan of the Roadmap of the final healthy natural environment with its ecosystem services con- document of the ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction Gen- stitutes the foundation for its sustainable and inclusive devel- der Strategy.8 o. [...] At the regional level, Senegal has adopted: • The roadmap for the implementation of the final docu- ment of the ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction Gender Strategy and Action Plan in West Africa, and National strategies and policies In addition, aligned on the PSE: • The Stratégie Nationale pour l’Équité et l’Égalité de Genre 2016-2026 (SNEEG) (National Strategy for Gen- der Equity and Equality 2016-20. [...] In Sen- Approach based on (i) the analysis of the enabling environ- egal, 97% of the economy is informal, engaging around 96.4% ment for a green economy, (ii) the identification and analy- of the working population,9 especially in agriculture (23.4%), sis of the green economy opportunities in specific sectors, retail trade (22.4%), and manufacturing (12.5%) sectors.10 and (iii) the constraints, th. [...] Leveraging women entrepreneurs’ access to green finance 6 Foster Green jobs for women in the context of the Great Green Wall • Develop and implement programmes that address the • Design programmes that provide both financial and tech- key gender-related barriers faced by women entrepre- nical support to women-led green businesses and that neurs, as well as rural cooperatives and other grassroots m.
- Pages
- 11
- Published in
- Germany