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Roadmap to UNCCD COP16 - Concept Note February 2023 Wea

20 Feb 2024

The Great Green Wall Initiative in Burkina Faso Established in 2007 under the leadership of the African Union, the Great Green Wall initiative is dedicated to restore degraded landscapes across the Sahel region, with the ultimate goal of positively impacting the lives of millions on the continent. [...] Its mission is to efficiently take urgent measures in order to reverse the trend of land degradation and loss of biodiversity and realize climate-resilient ecosystems.1 Its aim is to further accelerate the development of the regions through the following aspects: • Strengthen the resilience to climate change and improve land restoration, • Maintain soil fertility and increase the use of non-timber. [...] The Government of Burkina Faso is prioritizing the shift towards a green and inclusive economy A number of green transition policies have been implemented: • The National Policy for Sustainable Development and the National Strategy on Green Economy 2019-2023 • The Strategy and the Action Plan for the Great Green Wall initiative in Burkina Faso 2023-2030. [...] In 2022, the Government of Burkina Faso led the process of formulation of its Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), which in the context of Burkina Faso is ti- tled “Burkina Faso’s 2050 Vision for Low-Carbon and Climate -Resilience Development.” At the regional level, Burkina Faso has adopted: • The Roadmap for the implementation of the final docu- ment of the ECOWAS Disaster Risk. [...] Getting women entrepreneurs ready for the green economy 4 Address the difficult working conditions, heavy workload and unpaid care work of women • Strengthen the institutional capacities of actors (govern- • Invest in the development of care services and infrastruc- ment, development partners, women’s associations, pri- ture and in the implementation of policies that recognize, vate sector, etc.).
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