cover image: How Delayed Learning about Climate Uncertainty Impacts Decarbonization Investment Strategies (English)


How Delayed Learning about Climate Uncertainty Impacts Decarbonization Investment Strategies (English)

28 Mar 2024

The Paris Agreement established that global warming should be limited to “well below” 2◦C and encouraged efforts to limit warming to 1.5◦C. Achieving this goal presents a significant challenge, especially given the presence of (i) economic inertia and adjustment costs, which penalize a swift transition away from fossil fuels, and (ii) climate uncertainty that, for example, hinders the ability to predict the amount of emissions that can be emitted before a given temperature target is passed, which is often referred to as the remaining carbon budget. This paper presents a modeling framework that explores optimal decarbonization investment strategy when both delayed learning about the remaining carbon budget and adjustment costs are present. The findings show that delaying learning about the remaining carbon budget impacts investment in three ways: (i) the cost of policy increases, especially when adjustment costs are present; (ii) abatement investment is front-loaded relative to the certainty policy; and (iii) the sectoral allocation of investment changes to favor declining investment pathways rather than bell-shaped paths. The latter effect is especially pronounced in hard-to-abate sectors, such as heavy industry. Each of the effects can be traced back to the carbon price distribution inheriting a “heavy tail” when the remaining carbon budget is learned later in the century. The paper highlights how climate uncertainty and adjustment costs combined result in a more aggressive least-cost strategy for decarbonization investment.
climate change carbon pricing other world multi-regional macroeconomic and structural policies investment climateic


Bauer,Adam Michael, Mcisaac,Florent John, Hallegatte,Stephane

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
How Delayed Learning about Climate Uncertainty Impacts Decarbonization Investment Strategies
Originating Unit
Off of Sr VP Dev Econ/Chief Econ (DECVP)
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1M-Supporting Long-Term Low-Carbon Planning In Pilot Countries -- P176599
Series Name
Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10743; PLANET;
TF No/Name
TF0B6789-Supporting the Development of Long-Term Strategies,TF0B8773-Supporting the Development of Long-Term Strategies- Uzbekistan,TF0B8774-Supporting Long-Term Low-Carbon Planning in Jordan,TF0B8775-Knowledge Products for Long-Term Low-Carbon Planning – NDC and LTS,TF0B8776-Supporting Long-Term Low-Carbon Planning in Dominican Republic,TF0C0384-Supporting Long-Term Low-Carbon Planning in Turkiye,TF0C2480-Funding for LTS ASA Program- P176599
Unit Owning
GGS-CCG-Finance & Economics Unit (SCCFE),EFI-MTI-Global Macro and Debt (EMFMD),GGSVP-VP, SD Practice Group
Version Type
Volume No

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