detrimental to third countries.8 Overview of relevant agreements between the EU In addition to the production-distorting effects of direct and its neighbourhood payments, the EU maintains high protection measures on Each relationship with the EU is influenced by unique many agricultural products.9 Recent research indicates that features, such as the domestic political environment of the the EU’s t. [...] For instance, the Furthermore, SPS requirements are imposed on all agri- depth and strength of relationships with the EU tend to be food products imported into the EU to uphold a high greater for countries that have been offered the possibility standard of quality and prevent the spread of diseases. [...] In contrast, TRQs for meat and diversifying their agricultural exports to the EU dairy products are significantly fewer compared to their The trade dynamics within the overall agri-food sector of prominent role among the tariff rate quotas applicable to neighbouring countries to the EU throughout the last de- all countries. [...] Comparing the trade profiles of the EU with that of the EU countries to the EU (see FIGURE 5). [...] Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Application of EU health and environmental standards to imported agricultural and agri-food products.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 16
- Published in
- Belgium