Bilateral partnerships


Bilateral partnerships

9 Apr 2024

Between countries, organisations, and actors in different sectors, partnerships have become the name of the game since the 1990s. NATO engages in partnerships with non-member countries allegedly to “contribute to improved security for the broader international community.” WTO works in partnership with other organisations “with the aim of ensuring synergies, relevance and maximum value-added.” From mid-August to mid-November 2023 news about deepened partnerships between China and at least 9 countries or groups of countries came out. Terrorist actors, including al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, enter into partnerships to increase the effects of their activities. All kinds of heterogeneous multi-stakeholder partnerships including public and private actors have been set up to deal with everything from global standards and normative issues to within-country industry-specific change. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established the Danida Green Business Partnerships bringing commercial and non-commercial partners together. And the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by heads of state even includes a separate goal on partnerships.
danish and european foreign policies inequality and poverty development in practice diplomacy and international organisations


Lars Engberg-Pedersen

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