Competition with China and other emerging actors


Competition with China and other emerging actors

8 Apr 2024

How can Denmark expand its presence and gain more influence in Africa in ways that benefit both Denmark and Africa, in the context of strong competition from China and other emerging actors in the continent?In the past two decades, China has gained much influence in Africa through economic activities. While the largest holders of foreign assets in Africa are European and the US is the largest aid donor, China has become the largest trading partner, biggest bilateral official lender of loans, and the top source of foreign direct investment (FDI) flow in the past ten years. China has also increased security presence in Africa through dual-use infrastructure, conflict mediation and peacekeeping, and anti-piracy missions. However, the growth of Chinese financing in Africa has declined because of the Covid-19 pandemic, China’s economic slowdown, and its more cautious approach towards financial and political risks. There have also been pushbacks in African communities against social and environmental problems and state-elite collusion or corruption.
the politics of great and emerging powers danish and european foreign policies


Yang Jiang

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