cover image: "He who saves one life, saves the entire world." (Talmud) - Linas Venclauskas


"He who saves one life, saves the entire world." (Talmud) - Linas Venclauskas

7 Feb 2024

When the plan to send Sugihara to the Japanese Embassy in Moscow emerged and the message was sent to the Soviet authorities, they replied with only three words: PERSONA NON GRATA. [...] But only the closest circles knew about the secret protocols of the Molotov–Ribbentrop agreement, the protocols of the division of Europe between these two totalitarian aggressors. [...] In this perspective, Japan – having made agreements with Nazi Germany – felt betrayed since the conflicts between Japan and Russia in the Far East had deep roots, and one of the threats that contributed to the building of the Japanese empire was the Soviet Union. [...] Jews in the US and other places knew about the strict measures taken by the Soviets against religious Jews, the leaders of yeshivas and the rabbis. [...] And he strategically "forgot" the last sentence of the formula—acceptance of the new arrivals is decided by the governor of the island.


Eldridge Ami

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