cover image: The political economy of California and Québec's cap-and-trade systems /



The political economy of California and Québec's cap-and-trade systems /

24 Apr 2014

This report aims to improve understanding of the political and economic factors that have led to the adoption of a linked cap-and-trade system in California and Québec. California has committed to reducing its emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 while Québec has committed to reducing emissions 20% below 1990 levels in the same time period. In their electoral programme the Parti québécois, which has formed a minority government in Québec since the 2012 provincial election, expressed a commitment to a 25% reduction.
environment climate change politics economics air pollution economy global warming water natural gas climate change mitigation natural resources air quality management environmental pollution emissions trading transport carbon tax carbon price carbon offset cap-and-trade québec environmental politics offsets environmental impact charges offset climate action california air resources board carbon emission trading global warming solutions act of 2006 emission allowances ab32


Purdon, Mark, Houle, David, Lachapelle, Erick

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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