cover image: Written submission to inform the European Commission 2024 Enlargement Package - Progress towards addressing statelessness in enlargement countries


Written submission to inform the European Commission 2024 Enlargement Package - Progress towards addressing statelessness in enlargement countries

11 Apr 2024

There are some safeguards in law to prevent childhood statelessness, including in the case of adoption and children born abroad to Georgian parents, but the automatic safeguard to prevent statelessness at birth only applies to some children born in the country who would otherwise be stateless as it depends on the status of their parents rather than the statelessness of the child. [...] Furthermore, many Romani, Ashkali and Egyptian individuals in Kosovo, who were born in Western European countries or displaced in the Western Balkan region, face issues to confirm or acquire 3 ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTION (MIA) No.06/2020 FOR THE PROCEDURE AND CRITERIA OF DETERMINING THE STATUS OF THE STATELESS PERSON, THE MANNER OF ACQUISITION OF THE CITIZENSHIP BY THE STATELESS PERSON AND THE PERS. [...] Many families assisted by NGO Phiren Amenca, for example, did not register their children because they thought they required documents to register the child’s birth, the hospitals had not provided evidence of the birth to the mother, or the health institutions had not forwarded information about 9 the child’s birth to the competent directorate in the Ministry of the Interior. [...] The authorities interpret the safeguard for stateless children born in Serbia as applying only to minors, and in practice, a request must be submitted to the competent authority for a decision to be made on the acquisition of nationality, and documentary evidence of the child and/or parents’ statelessness must be provided. [...] Some of the key challenges reported include inconsistent and arbitrary practices within the Population and Civil Registry Department and the Provincial Directorates for Migration Management; a lack of awareness and incentives among parents; child, early and forced marriage and polygamy (including due to a reluctance to approach the authorities in such circumstances); the non-registration of the mo.


Alison Huyghe

Published in
United Kingdom