cover image: When wildfires burn



When wildfires burn

10 Apr 2013

To aid with the development of a resource, we have mapped content and format of existing resources with suggested components for a resource for northeast Ontario and have proposed next steps for integrating perspectives of residents of northeastern Ontario into the development of the resource. [...] For this report, four different types of information were collected: 1) Scientific evidence on the population health consequences of wildfires, based on a review of the peer-reviewed literature; 2) A profile of northeastern Ontario, generated by government reports and secondary data; 3) Community experiences with and perceptions of health and safety risks related to wildfires in Western Canada and [...] To further refine the content, format, and tools of the resource, we recommend collecting primary data on the views and experiences of the following groups working and living in northeastern Ontario: public health and mental health professionals, forestry and fire experts, municipal leaders, fire marshals, directors of community centres, community leaders, communication experts, and a diversity of [...] The northern perspective in general and the northeastern perspective in particular are critical to the development of the resource; therefore, we have attempted to integrate relevant data and contextual information throughout the document to the greatest extent possible. [...] Four different types of information were collected: 5) Scientific evidence on the population health consequences of wildfires, based on a review of the peer-reviewed literature; 6) A profile of northeastern Ontario, generated by government reports and secondary data; 7) Community experiences with and perceptions of health and safety risks related to wildfires in Western Canada, and fire prone area
health environment air pollution public health emergency management media best practices obesity fires forest fires leadership medicine environmental pollution illness disease nature depression community chronic condition mental disorder wildfires health treatment diseases and conditions major depressive disorder chronic obstructive pulmonary disease illnesses wildfire chronic vegetation fires disaster-relief


Mohindra, Katia S

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