cover image: Policymakers should allow the distribution and use of expired naloxone


Policymakers should allow the distribution and use of expired naloxone

9 May 2024

EXPLAINER Policymakers should allow the distribution and use of expired naloxone May 2024 To make a dent in the persistent overdose crisis, experts recommend expanding layperson access to the opioid overdose antidote, naloxone. [...] Policymakers should allow the distribution EXPLAINER and use of expired naloxone May 2024 Knowing that naloxone is safe and effective means that organizations can embrace its distribution in ways that minimize. [...] The ability to distribute expired naloxone doses allows these organizations—many of which rely on taxpayer funds or operate on limited budgets—to ensure their supplies can weather fluctuations in availability of and need for the medication while minimizing waste and making the most of their funds. [...] Policy can improve naloxone access via expired doses Despite the potential of expired naloxone to help improve and stabilize access to the medication, state and institutional policies may prevent organizations from administering or distributing it. [...] In the meantime, given the safety profile of expired naloxone, states can facilitate distribution and administration of expired doses by: Updating state law Extending immunity Encouraging relevant Defining an evidence- so that it does not for administering and agencies and based framework to prohibit the distribution dispensing naloxone to organizations to make allow retail pharmacies or administr.
Published in
United States of America