cover image: “Towards a Resilient Future: Science, Technology, Policy and Private Sector Nexus for Disaster


“Towards a Resilient Future: Science, Technology, Policy and Private Sector Nexus for Disaster

17 Oct 2023

processes & phenomena … complex socio-technical systems … Disaster risk management: is the application of disaster risk human-centered reduction policies and strategies to prevent new disaster risk, reduce existing disaster risk and manage residual risk, contributing to the strengthening of resilience and reduction of disaster losses. [...] What is the resilience of complex STS? The resilience of an SST is the capacity of a system: • to adjust its operation before, during or after changes and disturbances, so that it can maintain required operations under expected and unexpected conditions. [...] To analyze and monitor the resilience of STS, we must continuously assess/measure this resilience in order to support decision-makers The picture can't be displayed. [...] Presenter Presentation Notes 3 three structural dimensions = types of relations between the different actors involved in the organization : The coordination dimension concerns the knowledge flow within organization actors, the power dimension defines the possible task delegation patterns within the organization actors and the control dimension describes the possible task recovery functions of the. [...] Overview of the STS Resilience Assessment Framework (SRAF) Contextual and Systemic Modeling SRAF Systemic Assessment of STS Resilience Recommendation STS Resilience Indicators The picture can't be displayed.


Rawad Naserelddine

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