cover image: Fortifying America's Future: Pathways for Competitiveness


Fortifying America's Future: Pathways for Competitiveness

16 Jul 2024

The United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in recent years to solidify its place as a global leader in technological innovation. Yet without a paradigm shift in how we prepare our young people for the jobs of the future, this investment is at risk. An unprepared workforce threatens our nation’s competitiveness and national security readiness. To address this challenge, the Aspen Strategy Group and the Walton Family Foundation recently convened two roundtable discussions focused on creating pathways, from K-12 into the workforce, for the jobs of the future.  This report summarizes the ideas from those meetings and recommends strategies to ensure our technological lead and national security for the future.
national security


Aspen Strategy Group

Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents

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