cover image: NATO at a crossroads: new purpose, fresh challenges


NATO at a crossroads: new purpose, fresh challenges

17 Jul 2024

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) marks its 75th anniversary this year, against the backdrop of two significant contexts — the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and the revitalisation of the trans-Atlantic alliance. In the first instance, the war has brought the question of Ukraine’s NATO membership to the forefront, with United States (US) President Joe Biden and other European leaders agreeing that Ukraine should have an “irreversible” path to membership. In the second situation, there is a push to future-proof NATO against potential setbacks, especially if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election this November. As such, two strands are pulling the organisation in different directions — celebrations to mark organisational solidarity, reinvigoration and deep uncertainties about its future. The case for strong collective security in Europe had weakened considerably before the Russia-Ukraine war began. It is not surprising, therefore, that one of the main purposes of NATO’s Washington Summit, held in early July, was to highlight the importance of investing in Europe’s collective defence. The summit also serves an important symbolic purpose to deter Russia, particularly as it is making incremental gains in Ukraine’s east. The signalling comes at a critical juncture in the war. US officials estimate that Russia will be unable to capture large parts of territory from Ukraine in the next phase of the war, given poorly trained troops and critical Western supplies to Ukraine that have now become operational. However, on the eve of the Washington summit, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukraine, evincing robust long-range capabilities and an undeterred stance.
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Harsh V. Pant, Vivek Mishra

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