cover image: The Global Electrification Platform (GEP) 3.0 : Optimization of Centralized Grid Generation and Estimated Emissions Associated with the Achievement of SDG7 (English)


The Global Electrification Platform (GEP) 3.0 : Optimization of Centralized Grid Generation and Estimated Emissions Associated with the Achievement of SDG7 (English)

15 Jul 2024

The Global Electrification Platform (GEP), an initiative by the World Bank to standardize and simplify the use of geospatial tools for least-cost electrification planning, was originally launched in November 2019 (GEP 1.0), followed by an update in September 2021 (GEP 2.0) that refined the modelling of mini grid systems and introduced estimation of non-residential electricity demand. The high-level technology and investment breakdown allow users to visualize the access challenge across the country, in time and space, and provide an important baseline for dialogue and sector-wide planning for service delivery. The Electricity Model Base for Africa (TEMBA) is the world's first model of the African electricity supply representing the electricity supply system of each continental African country and the trade links between them. An initial version was first developed to inform the World Energy Outlook of 2014 and was sponsored by SIDA (IEA, 2014). The model is open source and developed using the Open-Source Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS) (Howells et al., 2011). TEMBA has been used, along with the Global Electrification Platform (GEP), to assess least-cost power generation investment options considering 2030 electrification goals, different levels of electricity consumption per capita (Low, High) and costs of renewables (New Policies, Renewable Deployment scenarios) (Pappis, 2022). The analysis presented in this report, builds upon this study to create a custom-made version of TEMBA to extract an indicative grid cost of generation and grid emission factors in selected countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Results from the TEMBA model were integrated into GEP 3.0 to account for emissions stemming from increased access to electricity for the achievement of SDG7.1.1.
inclusive growth energy efficiency climate change mitigation adaptation gender solar energy social inclusion social protection rural development economic policy job creation enterprise development private sector development social development and protection access to energy jobs public private partnerships fragility forced displacement world conflict and violence urban and rural development electricity subsidies data production msme development human development and gender public sector management participation and civic engagement geospatial services other energy and extractives economic growth and planning environment and natural resource management data development and capacity building energy policies & reform accessibility and use


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
The Global Electrification Platform (GEP) 3.0 : Optimization of Centralized Grid Generation and Estimated Emissions Associated with the Achievement of SDG7
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-Programmatic Asa For Electricity Access -- P174361
TF No/Name
TF0B8021-Electricity Access Program Supervision,TF0C3699-Financial Innovation For Energy Access - FY21-24 - Own-managed - 3,TF0C3703-Off-Grid Solar Scale-Up - FY21-24 - Own-Managed 3,TF0C3704-Improving Livelihoods through Productive Use of Electricity 3,TF0C3705-Improving Livelihoods and Human Capital - Own Managed 3,TF0C3706-Leaving No One Behind - FY21-24 - Own-managed 3,TF0C3724-Mini Grid Facility - FY21-24 Own-Managed - 3,TF0C4531-Clean Cooking Fund - FY21-24 Own-Managed - 3,TF0C4532-Global Electrification Platform (GEP) - FY21 - 24 - Own-managed II,TF0C4560-Integrated Electrification Strategies & Planning - FY21-24 - Own-manage
Unit Owning
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Volume No


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