and i'm reading out what i actually wrote down because i do have a tendency to digress um while they impact the zeitgeist their non-enforceable nature and the utterly dismal failure of the hr industry to deal with their application adequately over 45 count them 45 years means that enforcement of the hr industry is a very important part of the hr industry and i think it's a very important part of t. [...] I think it's 38 or 35 reforms, and they span the substantive text of the legislation, the overarching purposes of the legislation, and the procedures. [...] [ 00:33:27 ] What do you think?' And I said, 'I'm going to have to go and ask someone because I was only a junior burger.' And I went and asked the secretary of the union. [...] And, of course, one of our recommendations is a review of the Commission's structure because, as our President says, the Human Rights Act is the hole in the doughnut that the Commission was built around, and I think a lot of us would agree with you that that structure and function needs to change. [...] And I'm interested in your views about whether that has contributed to the issues that you've discussed today in terms of how the law has developed, but also in whether it has contributed to the normative power of these laws in terms of the message that it's sending about what is the evil that they're trying to address when it's so kind of generalised.
- Pages
- 20
- Published in
- Australia
Table of Contents
- 000001 000056 000230 000317 1
- 000448 000609 000812 000857 2
- 001027 3
- 001108 001152 001244 3
- 001336 001419 001508 001547 001644 4
- 001746 001840 001930 002018 5
- 002059 002150 002245 002332 002427 6
- 002508 002554 002638 002740 7
- 002835 002922 003007 003053 003137 8
- 003226 003327 003414 003515 003601 9
- 003658 003748 003830 10
- 003925 004010 10
- 004054 11
- 004152 004238 004321 11
- 004407 004447 004549 004648 004734 12
- 004830 004922 005015 005102 005210 13
- 005303 14
- 005352 005446 005530 14
- 005612 005658 005742 005836 005923 15
- 010014 010109 010201 010307 010400 16
- 010500 010558 010700 010800 17
- 010852 010956 011045 011137 18
- 011235 011324 011409 011501 19