cover image: The Development of a Curriculum for Teaching Elementary and Secondary School Children the Dangers Inherent in the Use and Abuse of Dangerous Drugs. Final Progress Report.

The Development of a Curriculum for Teaching Elementary and Secondary School Children the Dangers Inherent in the Use and Abuse of Dangerous Drugs. Final Progress Report.

This very extensive guide, designed in large measure by classroom teachers and meant for use by classroom teachers, is one community's response to its drug problem. The completed guide, however, is designed for adaptation throughout the nation and in foreign countries. Material is offered for different school levels, with the primary grades receiving information introduced by the classroom teacher, focusing on mental health and character development. The concept of drugs as medicine and narcotics is presented at the upper elementary level. The approach in the secondary grades is through the established curriculum with units offered in English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education and Social Studies. Specific yet flexible guidelines are included at each grade level to help establish objectives, create motivation, and provide activities for enrichment and reinforcement. Glossaries and factual information which can help answer questions often asked are included, as well as letters to committee members and parents. (CJ)
Authorizing Institution
Laredo Independent School District, TX.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents