cover image: Impact of virtual reality sessions in addition to conventional rehabilitation on the balance of the chronic stroke patient

Impact of virtual reality sessions in addition to conventional rehabilitation on the balance of the chronic stroke patient

7 Apr 2023

Background: Stroke is sudden onset event resulting in chronic deficits, activity limitations and participation restrictions of the subject. Therapeutic and Physiotherapy management therefore seems essential to regain functional independence and autonomy. Objectives: The objective of this review is to know the effect of virtual reality exercises in addition to conventional rehabilitation post stroke on the subject’s balance, walking and functional independence. Methods: The literature search was conducted on Pud Med and PEDro using a previously established search equation. Clinical trials were selected using specific selection criteria to extract the most relevant ones to answer the clinical question. Moreover, it can be noted that static balance did not any significant evolution in favor of the treatment to the difference in walking. The walk is studied in only two articles but with promising results. Clinical Relevance low, results difficult to translate to general population. Results: Four studies have been included in this review, they deal with dynamic balance through the BBS and TUG tests, showing à potential statistically significant effect on the subject. Conclusion: The interpretation of results does not allow us to give any precise conclusion about the potential effectiveness of virtual reality exercise session on the subject’s balance, walking and functionality. Although this technique is recognized as feasible and safe. Despite significant improvement in favor of the experimental group on dynamic balance, clinical relevance is too low. Its effectiveness would require studies on larger and more powerful samples


Camille Tusa

Bibliographic Reference
Camille Tusa. L’impact de séances de réalité virtuelle en complément d’une rééducation conventionnelle sur l’équilibre du sujet ayant eu un accident vasculaire cérébral en phase chronique. Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. 2023. ⟨dumas-04266531⟩
HAL Collection
['Aix Marseille Université', 'Aix-Marseille Université', 'DUMAS', 'LA SANTÉ DANS DUMAS']
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Aix Marseille Université
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