cover image: Household and Family in Contemporary History (ca. 1900-2000)


Household and Family in Contemporary History (ca. 1900-2000)

21 Feb 2023

The ‘woman question’ became a topic that dominated public debates and exposed for many housewives the social and legal bases of discrimination against their gender. [...] At the same time this called into question arguments that had been used in the past to justify their social and legal discrimination. [...] For example, in Britain, women were unable to hold property in their own names upon marriage until 1870, and it took several reforms, up until 1926, for married women to have the same rights to own and dispose of property as men. [...] In the interwar period, a number of different measures around Europe encouraged families to have more children, and women to stay at home. [...] Progressive campaigns related to marriage and family law nonetheless continued in parallel with movements that sought to preserve what was seen as the traditional family. [...] Eventually, countries like Britain, France and Germany changed the law so that women could maintain this essential aspect of autonomy in cases of intermarriage. [...] The World Health Organization ceased to regard homosexuality as a mental disease in 1990, and did the same for trans identity in 2019. [...] Conclusion This chapter has shown that understandings of household and family remained in flux in the contemporary period. [...] Households and family influence how the rest of society is organised, but they have also been reshaped by changes in the wider world. [...] In which ways were changes to perceptions of sexuality and to the role of the family linked in twentieth-century Europe? 2.


Sarah Carmichael, Julia Moses, Ángela Pérez del Puerto, Florence Tamagne

Bibliographic Reference
Sarah Carmichael, Julia Moses, Ángela Pérez del Puerto, Florence Tamagne. Household and Family in Contemporary History (ca. 1900-2000). Hansen, Jan; Hung, Jochen; Ira, Jaroslav; Klement, Judit; Lesage, Sylvain; Simal, Juan-Luis; Tompkins, Andrew. The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000, Open Book Publishers, p.219-227, 2023, 978-1-80064-870-8. ⟨10.11647/OBP.0323.21⟩. ⟨hal-04154895⟩
HAL Collection
["Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société", 'CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique', "Archives ouvertes de l'Histoire", 'HISTOIRE', 'Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion', 'Université de Lille']
HAL Identifier
Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion (IRHiS) - UMR 8529
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