cover image: REA Green Recovery Report Reviving the Economy, Growing the Renewable and


REA Green Recovery Report Reviving the Economy, Growing the Renewable and

2 Jul 2020

Something, which has been encouraging, is that the unprecedented impacts of the pandemic have seen many Governments across the world take remarkable steps to control the situation and save lives; it has demonstrated the art of the possible. [...] Many of the recommendations made in the paper are local and decentralised, which is a central tenet to much of renewable energy and clean technology, making renewable energy and clean technologies critical in the levelling up agenda and enabling the UK to build back better. [...] The Benefits Individuals will benefit from the ability to charge their electric vehicle more easily in more places, giving them the physical infrastructure they need to make the move from fossil fuel to electric vehicles and the financial support (via the grant schemes) to help enable this. [...] The creation of jobs will also benefit individuals, both jobs to deliver the education and communications but also in the recycling sector to enable the extra materials to be recycled. [...] Conclusion The UK must grasp the historic, once in a lifetime opportunities from the energy transition and use the need for an economic stimulus to drive a green recovery that creates jobs across the country while improving lives and benefiting the UK as a whole – this plan aims to provide all of these benefits.


Lindsay Barnett

Published in
United Kingdom
