cover image: Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition


Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition

16 Nov 2022

INSTITUTIONS AND GOVERNANCE FOR FSN DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS, AND USE 82 Issues of relevance for data governance 84 The debate on the nature of data and the role of data markets 84 The questions of data ownership and the social value of data 86 CONTENTS Priority objectives for FSN data-governance initiatives 90 Achieving adherence to global standards and harmonization of data 90 Promoting broader. [...] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The CFS HLPE-FSN warmly thanks all the The HLPE-FSN also acknowledges Ms Dianne participants who contributed with very Berest for the very careful editing of the English valuable inputs and comments to the two version and provision of excellent and useful open consultations, first on the scope of the comments, and the translators into the other five report, and second on its advanc. [...] • The complexity of the system of public and private actors and institutions involved in food security and nutrition data, coupled with the rapidly changing characteristics of today’s data ecosystems due to the digital revolution and the pervasiveness of the internet, brings to centre stage the need for global coordination to improve data governance. [...] and consolidation, or collection, of primary or secondary data and the curation of the data; the Both existing data and newly collected data, be analysis of the data, using appropriate analysis they quantitative or qualitative, will likely need tools; the translation of data into results, insights to be transformed (at a minimum, cleaned) and conclusions; the dissemination of the data and analysed. [...] The second for agriculture and food production, climate objective is to draw from this overview a list of and the global environment, the extent of gaps and challenges at each step of the data integration and functioning of international DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION food commodity markets.


High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN)

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