cover image: Xi’s Permanent Struggle


Xi’s Permanent Struggle

15 Oct 2024

On October 1, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-led government in China celebrated its 75th anniversary of the liberation. Amidst the celebrations, it is remarkable to notice China’s transformation from a backward, feudal and war-ravaged society in 1949 to the second-largest economy, a tech-savvy modern society and a great-power military in the millennium’s third decade. China’s social indicators on health, education, medical care, and basic services have undergone substantial enhancements and CCP rule has a definite claim on these achievements. However, China is going through considerable challenges on domestic and external fronts and the CCP appears bereft of ideas and the nerve to deal with them. The decelerating economic growth and falling indicators across the board on trade, exports, employment and real estate have driven China into stagflation, damaging the CCP’s aura of invincibility. The Party urgently needs to rejuvenate itself before seeking China’s rejuvenation, otherwise the portents are getting darker on the horizon. China’s social indicators on health, education, medical care, and basic services have undergone substantial enhancements and CCP rule has a definite claim on these achievements.
china inequality stagflation unemployment international affairs xi jinping trade policies ccp china economy common prosperity


Harsh V. Pant, Atul Kumar

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