cover image: Defence anD Diplomacy  - Special issue: West asia and north africa (Wana)


Defence anD Diplomacy - Special issue: West asia and north africa (Wana)

17 May 2019

the Us special envoy was hoping to elicit an assurance from the taliban not to attack Us troops—the very same troops that had been hunting the very same taliban till a few weeks ago! the sanctuary provided by the Pakistan state to the taliban was the ‘ace up its sleeve’ that Pakistan hoped to exploit in getting the taliban to talk to the Us, and obtain some concessions for itself in the bargain. [...] at the same time, russia praised the US decision to withdraw as this might make space for a “political solution” of the Syrian problem.4 Where, on the one hand, russia, Iran and Turkey are being signalled as the major beneficiaries of the US act; israel is being described as one of the big potential losers of the US’ withdrawal. [...] however, the chinese government news agency Xinhua stated that the US withdrawal “comes as part of the russian pressure on the US to pull out in order to accelerate the Syrian political process and find a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis.” The reason cited points to the fact that such a presence is further complicating the political landscape in the country, given the fact that the US 13. [...] the paper aims to understand and analyse India’s economic and strategic relations with the countries in the hoa, the future prospects of strengthening the relations, and the challenges ahead, with chinese presence in the region. [...] the imperial linkages of the British, french and Portuguese with the nations in the hoa region and India became the other reason for the development of relations between India and the hoa nations.
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