cover image: JHS Report - The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic


JHS Report - The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

9 Jul 2020

At the same time, perhaps sensing the possibility of defeat at the polls, Trump has been laying the groundwork to sow doubts about the legitimacy of the election. [...] The third channel is the health channel, that is the direct impact of Covid-19 on economic activity from a wider spread of the virus in the region. [...] It is an unnecessary measure and with unpredictable consequences, which deteriorates confidence in the country and closes the door to the necessary investments needed to get out of the crisis caused by the pandemic. [...] The pandemic put into new light the inadequacy of multilateral institutions such as the G7, the G20 and the UN to address a global crisis, when big powers are split and weaponize the pandemic. [...] In the long run, it is for civil society in the other member states, and for the EU’s political party families (such as, in Hungary’s case, the EPP) to draw the right conclusions and try to strengthen the defenders of liberal democracy across the EU, instead of enabling the autocrats.
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