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View the National Values & Principles of Governance Booklet >>

6 Feb 2020

NATIONAL VALUES & PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNANCE National Values & Principals of Governance ABOUT KIPPRA The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is a State Corporation under the National Treasury and Planning. [...] The mandate of KIPPRA is to develop capacities for policy formulation, implementation and evaluation within National and County governments; undertake relevant and timely policy research and analysis; serve as a point of policy engagement and communication on public policy; and develop and maintain a reservoir of knowledge on public policy in contributing to the achievement of national development. [...] 3 National Values & Principals of Governance Article 234(2)(h) Requires the Public Service Commission to evaluate and report to the President and Parliament on the extent to which the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied with in the public service. [...] National Values and Principles {Article 10 (2)} Article 10(2) highlights the following National Values and Principles of Governance: (a) Patriotism, National Unity, Sharing and Devolution of Power, Rule of Law, Democracy, Participation of the People; 4 National Values & Principals of Governance (b) Human Dignity, Equity, Social Justice, Inclusiveness, Equality, Human Rights, Non- Discrimination, P. [...] 22 National Values & Principals of Governance CONCLUSION Promotion of national values and principles of governance will lead to socio-cultural, economic, and political transformation, that is key towards the realization of the Kenya Vision 2030 goals.
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