cover image: Functional interrelations of governance elements and their effects on tropical deforestation - combining qualitative and quantitative approaches


Functional interrelations of governance elements and their effects on tropical deforestation - combining qualitative and quantitative approaches

12 Jan 2021

The assistant’s role was observing non-verbal interactions and the impact of the group dynamics, and Richard FISCHER - Dissertation 18 documenting the general content of the discussion. [...] Mean governance effects on deforestation and mean effect of context factors per study as well as mean governance scores in the field assessments were calculated as the arithmetic mean of the Likert scores of all original governance elements and context factors for each of the reviewed studies or for the assessed governance arrangements in the field. [...] The original variables were rescaled to have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one by subtracting the mean of the original variable from the raw value and then dividing it by the standard deviation (Dytham, 2011). [...] Within each of the years and search term combinations, those publications were selected that had more citations than the average of the selected publications of the same year and search term combination in order to keep the large number of publications manageable. [...] The fact that the number of codings for governance elements was higher as compared to codings for context factors was to be expected as governance was the search criterion for the studies.


Richard Fischer

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