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Science, Technology, and Innovation in Enhancing Delivery of the Big Four Development Agenda

16 Dec 2021

Specifically, the objectives of the conference were to: examine the human resource development relevant for ST&I in Kenya; assess the infrastructure and related policies to support ST&I in Kenya; evaluate the innovation system in Kenya; investigate the institutional system and economic incentives to promote ST&I in Kenya, and determine the role of ST&I in building resilience in economic crises in. [...] Ukur Yatani, EGH - Cabinet Secretary, The National Treasury and Planning during the official opening ceremony of the 4th KIPPRA Annual Regional Conference on the role of science, technology, and innovation in enhancing the delivery of the “Big Four” development Agenda This conference focuses on Science, Technology and Innovation in enhancing delivery of the “Big Four” development agenda. [...] The Act provides the legal framework to facilitate the promotion, coordination, and regulation of the progress of science, technology, and innovation to entrench science technology and innovation in the national production system. [...] These bodies are the National Commission for ST&I (NACOSTI) to primarily set the national and county ST&I priorities and coordinate the sector across all sector Ministries and in the County Governments; the National Research Fund (NRF) to mobilize resources for the National Innovation System; and the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KENIA) to largely develop and manage the National Innovation Sys. [...] As per the Section 54 of the ST&I Act 2013, where any conflict arises between the provisions of the Act and the provisions of any other written law in relation to accreditation, coordination of research institutions or any function of the Commission, the provisions of the ST&I Act shall prevail.
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