cover image: ‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes - POLITICO


‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes - POLITICO

28 Feb 2022

Putin is trying to take down the entire world order, the veteran Russia watcher said in an interview. For many people, watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine has felt like a series of “He can’t be doing this” moments. Russia’s Vladimir Putin has launched the largest ground war in Europe since the Second World War. It is, quite literally, mind-boggling. That’s why I reached out to Fiona Hill, one of America’s most clear-eyed Russia experts, someone who has studied Putin for decades, worked in both Republican and Democratic administrations and has a reputation for truth-telling, earned when she testified during impeachment hearings for her former boss, President Donald Trump. I wanted to know what she’s been thinking as she’s watched the extraordinary footage of Russian tanks rolling across international borders, what she thinks Putin has in mind and what insights she can offer into his motivations and objectives.
ukraine russia putin


Maura Reynolds

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