Ukraine - Russia: the background

User icon Toby Green
28 February 2022
25 items

A list of reports, articles and other documents on the background to the ongoing war in Ukraine and commentary on possible futures. (Image: Viewsridge

House of Commons Library · 2 March 2022 English

In early November 2021, Russia began building up military forces along its border with Ukraine. Over 100,000 Russian troops and military assets were deployed in western Russia and Crimea. Further …

29 March 2022 English

This is a Tweet Thread written by Kamil Galeev, Galina Starovoitova Fellow at The Wilson Center. Since Ukraine is resolved to fight, the choice of a Russian historical track ultimately …

House of Commons Library · 1 March 2022 English

Sanctions aimed at Russia have been in place since 2014, following its annexation of Crimea and ongoing role in the destabilisation of eastern Ukraine. In the build-up to the current …

12 July 2021 English

This essay, On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians (Russian: Об историческом единстве русских и украинцев; Ukrainian: Про історичну єдність росіян та українців), was published by Vladimir Putin on …

Llewellyn Consulting · 7 June 2004 English

This paper, commissioned but never published by Lehman Brothers - was released by one of its authors, John Llewellyn, during the Ukraine-Russia crisis because its finding are pertinent to what …

CRS: Congressional Research Service · 5 October 2021 English

A report produced by the US Congressional Research Service that provides background to the 2022 conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

House of Commons Library · 18 February 2022 English

This Briefing summarises the build up of Russian forces from November 2021, Russia's 'Red Lines', the international and diplomatic response and posits what may happen next.

1 April 2022 English

This Tweet Thread was written by Kamil Galeev, Galina Starovoitova Fellow at the Wilson Center. Since Ukraine resolved to fight, the choice of a Russian historical track ultimately depends upon …

House of Commons Library · 16 February 2022 English

Nord Stream 2 (NS2) is a natural gas pipeline that directly connects Russia to Germany, via the Baltic Sea. It was launched in 2015 by Nord Stream 2 AG, a …

House of Commons Library · 25 February 2022 English

On 21 February 2022, Russian President Putin announced Russia would formally recognise the areas of the Donbas under the control of Russianbacked separatist forces, as independent sovereign states. President Putin …