Sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in land plants


Sex determination and sex chromosome evolution in land plants

18 Mar 2022

The more or less sharp differen- tiation of male and female individuals, the genetics of sex, and the occurrence of the X/Y chromosome mechanism, [are] all parallel to conditions noted in angiosperms.’ The topic of sexual lability in dioecious species is taken up in this special issue by Käfer et al. [...] The small number of ZW systems in plants and the absence of any microscopically heteromorphic sex chromosomes in such systems so far preclude the detection of possible toxicity of W chromosomes. [...] In several of the taxa studied in this special issue, such as Ginkgo, Mercurialis and Populus, the non-recombining region with the sex-deter- mining genes is small, and this does not appear to relate to the age of the respective systems, although this is extremely difficult to infer [33]. [...] (d) The identification of sex-determining genes and the molecular pathways connecting them to the formation of male and female floral structures Identifying the sex-determining genes is a key goal of sex chromosome research. [...] Despite the remarkable progress in the elucidation of plant sex-determining regions and genes, knowledge on the molecular mechanisms downstream of the sex determinants ultimately causing the differential development of female or male floral organs is lagging behind.


Niels Andreas Müller

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