No train, no gain  An investigation into the quality of


No train, no gain An investigation into the quality of

25 Nov 2022

What is the definition of an ‘apprenticeship’? One of the weaknesses in the apprenticeship system identified by the Richard Review was the absence of a clear definition of the term ‘apprenticeship’: “There has been a drift towards calling many things apprenticeships which, in fact, are not. [...] In addition to the employer panels, the IfATE has a panel of apprentices who purportedly ensure that “the views of apprentices are represented across the work and governance of the Institute”.53 That said, the IfATE website makes no mention of apprentices being given any role in the development or approval of apprenticeship standards, nor do there appear to be any mechanisms through which apprenti. [...] In such cases, there is a risk that the additional value of the apprenticeship to the economy may not be proportionate to the amount of government funding.” 58 The NAO’s report noted that the Government “recognises that some employers use apprenticeships as a substitute for training and development that they would offer without public funding”.59 In addition, Ofsted has warned that “we have seen e. [...] This agreement outlines the standard being embarked on, the dates during which the apprenticeship is expected to take place and the amount of off-the-job training that the apprentice will receive.226 A ‘training plan’ is also required, which is supposed to describe the training (including the volume of off-the-job training) that will be delivered and how the apprentice, employer and provider will. [...] In Germany, the content of every apprenticeship is set out in a ‘framework curriculum’ to “guarantee a uniform national standard”.228 The curriculum includes a list of modules, the objectives for each module, the module content and the suggested time allocation for every module in every year of the training programme.


Tom Richmond

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United Kingdom