Low-Carbon Hydrogen from Natural Gas. Global Roadmap


Low-Carbon Hydrogen from Natural Gas. Global Roadmap

21 Jul 2022

The myriad of colours used, the lack of a globally agreed (ISO) convention and the potential for definition shift have all led to some of the energy world’s influential organisations, the International Energy Agency, the US Department of Energy, and the IEA’s Hydrogen TCP, not using the colour taxonomy in favour of a technology agnostic approach. [...] Contribution analysis of the carbon footprint of four natural gas-based blue hydrogen production scenarios and the grey hydrogen benchmark The following sensitivity analysis have been undertaken in this study to assess the effects of changing key parameters on the overall carbon footprint of the investigated technologies: • Sensitivity Analysis 1: For all technologies (including the benchmark), th. [...] The purpose of this study is to enrich knowledge and compare the deployment of SMR, e-SMR, ATR, and POX with CCS in the Netherlands, one of the countries in Europe most active in the natural gas, hydrogen, and CCS space. [...] The purpose of this study is to enrich knowledge and compare the deployment of SMR, e-SMR, ATR, and POX with CCS in the Netherlands, one of the countries in Europe most active in the natural gas, hydrogen, and CCS space. [...] This section reflects on the current status of the hydrogen market, including: the different hydrogen production technologies and their respective installed production capacity; segmentation of hydrogen demand; types of CO2 capture systems; the status of hydrogen storage and strategies for flexible hydrogen production.


Abdul’Aziz Aliyu

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