The Impacts of EU Strategy Autonomy Policies – A Primer for Member States


The Impacts of EU Strategy Autonomy Policies – A Primer for Member States

29 Nov 2022

To the extent and the larger group of the OECD relapse of the EU to the old policy that the EU’s policy stance further countries. [...] It is a reaction to the rise of China’s state-interventionist influence9 in the world, including Chinese investments in Europe10, the challenges in multilateral economic cooperation11, the perception of US-Chinese hegemony in the digital world12, US protectionism based on national security considerations13, the EU’s trust crisis and the rise of populism14, the impacts of COVID-19, and responses to. [...] Values and Superiority of EU Policymaking In the case of strategic autonomy, European values aim to guide a large package of legislation on state aid and industrial policies, new rules for competition and new policies for data, artificial intelligence, and investment – often accompanied by the ambition to strengthen Europe’s global influence and the goal to improve the competitiveness of Europe’s. [...] The proportionate level shall be determined by the “political importance of the initiative”, the “magnitude and complexity of the problem”, the “significance of the expected impacts”, and the “risk of negative unexpected consequences”. [...] The regional and sectoral distribution of companies in the EU has implications for the size and distribution of benefits and costs across the Member States.
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