RISE Country Research Team - Ethiopia - RISE in Ethiopia: Non-technical Research Overview


RISE Country Research Team - Ethiopia - RISE in Ethiopia: Non-technical Research Overview

9 Oct 2019

The sheer diversity of Understanding the politics of change the geography of Ethiopian life, with the population living in How has the reform package been designed and urban areas, and distinctly different rural regions (highlands implemented? How do participants involved select and lowlands), means that educational reforms must find and design the reforms? To what extent are intended methods that. [...] How and why have reforms had success – or failed – in the mission to raise learning outcomes? What A key aspect of the research is its focus on understanding lessons can be learned from the reforms’ design and the political process that set the stage for change, and to implementation that can inform ongoing change and understand the dynamics needed to devise, implement progress? How can successes. [...] The The research project is designed to be longitudinal in nature research will examine how individual reforms that make – that is, studies will follow the same children in the same up the package were selected, designed and implemented. [...] The The team will look closely at the political levers used by key work will measure foundational skills in reading, vocabulary, decision makers in the process to understand how incentives, numeracy, and non-cognitive skills, such as non-verbal opportunities and barriers to change affect the outcome. [...] The complex and multi-faceted reforms underway in Ethiopia lend themselves to the ‘systems-focused’ approach of the A core aspect of the research project is its combination of RISE initiative.
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