cover image: Air Power in the Age of Primacy: Air Warfare Since the Cold War


Air Power in the Age of Primacy: Air Warfare Since the Cold War

10 Jan 2023

The chapter on “Operation Enduring Freedom” examines the US-led coalition’s air campaign in the initial phases of the conflict and its effectiveness in toppling the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. [...] The calculated employment of weapons and the measurement of physical destruction eludes the human domain and the enemy’s intent, as intangibles, place limitations on the use of air power. [...] The use of force failed to deter Hezbollah in the short-term, leading many to speculate on the efficacy of air power in achieving the political objectives. [...] It would not be plausible to draw universal lessons from the conflicts discussed in this book, however, their study becomes important for the men in blue as well as academics and strategists to dissect the use of air power in the age of primacy and crystal-gaze into the future, seeking answers about the military and the political efficacy of the use of air power. [...] While the jury is still out on the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has entered the fifth month and the use of air power would continue to be debated and discussed, this book comes at an opportune time, filling a void on the use of air power in the age of primacy.
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