Europe’s response to the Sino- American rivalry Introduction


Europe’s response to the Sino- American rivalry Introduction

27 Feb 2023

This paper does not delve into the details of the IRA or the Green Deal Industrial Plan proposed by the European Commission on February 1, 20233; instead, it evaluates the implications of the changing nature of globalisation to situate the European debate at the appropriate strategic level. [...] The report concluded that it is the responsibility of the Member itself to determine the “necessity” of the measures for the protection of its essential security interests (paragraphs 7.146 and 7.147). [...] As proposed by the EU Chamber of Commerce in China in 202242, the risks of escalation in the Sino-American rivalry call for the development of a clear and pro- portionate regulatory framework for export controls, beginning with the following actions: • Clarify the supervision and enforcement methods of governmental organs, and the rights and powers thereof, so as to facilitate direct dialogue and. [...] I ADAPTING THE EUROPEAN STRATEGY BEYOND A RESPONSE TO THE IRA Europe must adapt to the changing landscape of globalisation, which is exemplified by the IRA but also driven by the significant investments made by both the US and China in technological innovation, impacting the energy transition and the transfor- mation of production methods. [...] The establishment of a one-stop-shop in each member state would streamline and accelerate the administrative procedures for the award of state aid, whether in the form of subsidies or tax credits; the elimination of tenders for less mature technologies, the extension of project implementation deadlines, and the simplification of notifications for companies participating in important pro- jects of.
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