cover image: Guyana - Gender Scorecard (English)

Guyana - Gender Scorecard (English)

6 Mar 2023

Young women in Guyana are 15 percentage points more likely than young men to be out of employment, not in education, or in training. Although declining, Guyana's adolescent fertility rate is more than 2 times the average rate for countries in the same income group. Women are 3 percentage points more likely than men to have vulnerable jobs. Gender data remain scarce in key areas, hampering policies to narrow gaps between women and men, boys, and girls.
gender guyana adolescent health quality of employment gender and economic empowerment


Maquera Sardon,Daniela Andrea, Galeano Servian,Diana Maria

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Guyana - Gender Scorecard
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
LAC Country Gender Scorecards FY23;
Unit Owning
EFI-LCR-POV-Poverty and Equity (ELCPV)
Version Type
Volume No

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