cover image: APFSD Youth Forum Call to Action 2023: Bhutan


APFSD Youth Forum Call to Action 2023: Bhutan

26 Mar 2023

Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels in Asia and the Pacific with Young People at the Forefront SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS With regards to SDG 4 (Quality Education), one of the key barriers is the lack of accessibility of digitalised Gross National Happiness (GNH), in the words of His ed. [...] However there lack of advocacy and knowledge about sex and gender are still certain gaps to be filled, such as the lack of and lack of integration of CSE in the school curriculum quality toilet facilities in regard to travelers within the has increased discrimination against people of different country. [...] When the term “gender equality” is used, it is mainly Bhutan has been granted international support from directed towards women, and the inclusivity of the UNDP and ADB in means of electronic vehicles and the LGBTIQA+ community is often neglected. [...] studying and analysing the socio-economic impact This will provide policymakers with the necessary of dams on local communities to ensure that the information to make informed decisions and develop benefits of hydropower are shared equitably and effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of that the livelihood and well-being of the people climate change. [...] Despite being from a different • Advocacy and awareness campaigns to educate the country, these labourers contribute to the larger population about the impact of climate change development of Bhutan and providing them with on the country.
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