cover image: Employment creation potential, labor skills requirements, and skill gaps for young people: A South African case study


Employment creation potential, labor skills requirements, and skill gaps for young people: A South African case study

12 Jan 2021

Structural change is taking place in Africa, but with a pattern that is distinct from the historical experience of the industrialized countries and contemporary East Asia: In short, export-led manufacturing is playing a much smaller role in the structural transformation of Africa's economies. Services--some with quite low productivity--absorb the bulk of African workers leaving agriculture and moving to cities. These changes reflect the impact of technological progress and a changing global marketplace on Africa's prospects of industrialization.
economic development sub-saharan africa global economy global development


Caitlin Allen, Zaakhir Asmal, Haroon Bhorat, Robert Hill, Jabulile Monnakgotla, Morne Oosthuizen, Christopher Rooney

Published in
United States of America



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