cover image: Martins, Stai & Csernatoni - Disruptive Technology and the Total Defence Concept, PRIO Paper


Martins, Stai & Csernatoni - Disruptive Technology and the Total Defence Concept, PRIO Paper

21 Jun 2023

We have interviewed officials and re- searchers in Oslo and in Brussels, and draft versions of the conceptual section of the report were presented in different workshops and conferences.1 A preliminary set of ideas was presented at the Norwegian Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 20 October 2022 in order to receive feedback in the last stages of drafting the report. [...] Simultaneously to the development of the Swedish and Swiss models, Norwegian and Finnish total defence strategies evolved in line with the dynamics of the new European security environ- ment of the post-war era. [...] Further compounding the challenges of this new international security environment was the geographical proximity of both Finland and Norway to the Soviet Union, and the establishment of both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Eastern and Western blocs, which divided Europe in two along the Iron Curtain. [...] The total defence logic, in its consideration of the interplays between the civilian and the military in issues of security and defence, shares important ground with disruptive technologies, in that civil-military exchanges are a central part of the conception, development, and use of these types of technologies (see also Bjørk et al., 2022). [...] The conceptual part of the project, dealing with the concept of disruption in the context of security and defence technologies (research question 1), has been researched in depth by the project leader and the project partner at Carnegie Europe.
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