cover image: Obermeier & Rustad - Conflict Trends A Global Overview, 1946-2022, PRIO Paper


Obermeier & Rustad - Conflict Trends A Global Overview, 1946-2022, PRIO Paper

6 Jun 2023

However, with the end of the Cold War, the funding for civil wars dried up, and many of the conflicts related to the former So- viet Union were short lived, leading to a substantial decrease in conflict in the late 1990s and 2000s. [...] This high- lights the significant increase in the number of battle-related deaths in 2022 as well as the shift in the most intense conflicts. [...] In 2021, 23,256 battle-related deaths were recorded in the fight between the Government of Yemen and the Forces of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC).6 In Yemen, while the conflict itself has significantly de-escalated, the humanitarian situation remains in a dire state. [...] In an effort to counter the expansion and domi- nance of IS in the region, the Government of Nigeria has aligned with the governments of Cam- eroon, Chad, and Niger. [...] Afghanistan In 2021, the war between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban was the deadliest con- flict in the world for the third consecutive year, resulting in nearly 35,000 battle-related deaths in that year alone.
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