This policy note aims to advance the understanding of green jobs in Vietnam and establish a baseline on their prevalence, characteristics, and skills requirements. For the first time, the note identifies and analyzes profiles of green jobs and jobs in green industries in Vietnam context, using two complementary approaches. The task-based method has been applied in work recently conducted in Indonesia, which builds on the literature on green jobs and green skills in OECD countries. On the other hand, the output-based approach assesses the stage of green industries, which has been mentioned in several strategies for green growth in Vietnam. In addition, the note provides a detailed examination of the task content, skills and educational requirements of top green jobs in Vietnam context, helping to inform skills development strategies to support green growth. This examination was done based on primary data on Vietnam's top 20 high- and medium-skilled green occupations collected by the Vietnam Green Jobs Survey (GJS). Results from the survey not only corroborate findings related to the greenness of jobs based on international task descriptions but also shed light on whether skills required in such jobs are green-specific or more transferable.
Mentioned Organizations
- Disclosure Date
- 2023/06/28
- Disclosure Status
- Disclosed
- Doc Name
- Green Jobs - Upskilling and Reskilling Vietnam's Workforce for a Greener Economy
- Product Line
- Advisory Services & Analytics
- Published in
- United States of America
- Rel Proj ID
- VN-Vietnam Skills Development For High-Income Country Programmatic -- P178112
- Sector
- Workforce Development/Skills,Tertiary Education
- Theme
- Jobs,Human Development and Gender,ICT,Economic Policy,Skills Development,ICT Solutions,Green Growth,Economic Growth and Planning,Private Sector Development,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Active Labor Market Programs,Job Quality
- Unit Owning
- Education EAP (HEAED)
- Version Type
- Final
- Volume No
- 1