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EFSAS ARTICLE - Climate Change in South Asia: - The Cases of Pakistan Bangladesh, and India

13 Jul 2023

6 | July 2023 Climate Change in South Asia: The Cases of Pakistan Bangladesh, and India Climate Change in South Asia 2 Climate Change in South Asia: The cases of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India Introduction The term “climate change” refers to the shifts in weather conditions. [...] Global warming is the main effect of the growing amount of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere by human activities, a definition which became more popular in the second half of the 20th century, and used to describe the increased surface temperature of the Earth (NASA - What’s in a Name? Global Warming vs. [...] The increase in the number of climate refugees represents the main social consequence of climate change in Bangladesh. [...] The threat of more frequent cyclones and floods is already pushing the coastal population to urban areas: 50% of the population of Bangladesh’s urban slums is estimated to be constituted by climate refugees, however, this rate is expected to grow in the coming years, increasing the population density of urban slums (Rojas, 2021). [...] In countries particularly exposed to floods, the drainage system must be upgraded, in order to prevent the flooding of urban areas and the destruction of households, crops, and livestock: Bridges must be reinforced, and roads must be secured from the threat of sudden flooding.



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