cover image: POLICY BRIEF – No. 10/2023 - Online Platform Regulation and Investment Attractiveness:


POLICY BRIEF – No. 10/2023 - Online Platform Regulation and Investment Attractiveness:

24 Aug 2023

INTRODUCTION Europe’s investment climate has not improved in recent years.1 Policymakers in the EU and the UK are concerned about US economic and technological superiority, China’s economic rise, and the erosion of international competitiveness of their domestic industries.2 Within the paradigm of Open Strategic Autonomy, Brussels is trying to strengthen the resilience and future competitiveness o. [...] That is, the user group’s value of participating on the platform increases as more users of the same group join the platform (direct e昀昀ect), or if more users of the other group join the platform (indirect e昀昀ect). [...] Much points to the fact that EU has indeed chosen the path of proscriptive and protective policymaking with the DMA to achieve industrial and trade policy goals rather than defending competition in the Single Market.36 Accordingly, as concerns developments in the UK, the question arises to what extent UK competition policy will be driven by institutional interests and ideological concerns in the f. [...] 3) Lack of awareness on terms of collection and - 34% of the respondents that discontinued use of a particular use of data and presence of fraudulent and platform blamed the platform’s terms of use or data and deceptive commercial practices privacy policies - 8 0% users change the default privacy/data collection settings and cookie settings. [...] Approaching a 9% share in the global economy, businesses in the EU and the UK will become increasingly dependent on other parts of the world in the provision of frontier technology and integrated platform services.
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