cover image: October 2, 2023  To: Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy


October 2, 2023 To: Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy

2 Oct 2023

§ 824p(h) to expedite the federal authorization of transmission projects.3 In the revised IIP process, after the “initial” meeting between a project proponent and federal agencies, the project proponent would submit resource reports so that the agencies can present any concerns at the “review” meeting.4 Project proponents would submit final versions of these reports incorporating agencies’ feedbac. [...] In the Air Quality and Noise Report (one of the 13 required resource reports examined at the review meeting), DOE proposes that project proponents must “[e]stimate emissions from the proposed project and the corresponding impacts,” including “the reasonably foreseeable change in greenhouse gas emissions from. [...] that may connect to the project or interconnect as a result of the line, if any, as well as any other modeled air emissions impacts.”7 DOE also proposes that project proponents must “[e]stimate the reasonably foreseeable effect of the project on indirect emissions.”8 These estimates would be required not only for the proposed transmission project but also for the alternatives.9 DOE’s interest in o. [...] For example, in 2015, DOE received information about the emissions impacts of the Plains & Eastern Clean Line, a proposed transmission project stretching from Oklahoma to Tennessee.12 This project aimed to bring electricity generated from wind farms in the central United States to load centers in the South and Southeast.13 The developer submitted modeling results of the estimated impacts on SO2, N. [...] [R]esource reports addressing the stakeholder input is one of the main goals of the main goals of the pre-filing process, and it’s facilitated by the submittal of comments.
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United States of America