cover image: POLICY BRIEF – No. 11/2023 - The Art of the Mini-Deals: The Invisible Part of EU Trade


POLICY BRIEF – No. 11/2023 - The Art of the Mini-Deals: The Invisible Part of EU Trade

6 Oct 2023

11/2023 The Art of the Mini-Deals: The Invisible Part of EU Trade Policy By Lucian Cernat, 1Head of Global Regulatory Cooperation and Public Procurement Negotiations, DG Trade. [...] This policy brief goes beyond the FTAs, the EU has signed a much larger conventional wisdom and sheds light on number of trade mini-deals that have, othertradeagreements(trademini-deals), potentially, a signi昀椀cant impact on EU whichso farwere less in the focusofEU trade. [...] The paper assessment of the role such mini-deals o昀昀ers a preliminary assessment and a couldplayinthefuture,giventheevolving taxonomy of these trade mini-deals. [...] The nature of trade policy objectives and the main takeaway is that there is a lotmore growing complexity of international trade goingonthanwhatmeetstheeyewhenit negotiations. [...] EU TRADE MINI-DEALS: THE INVISIBLE COMMERCIAL POLICY For decades, the EU common commercial policy has been at the heart of the European integration,akeyexampleofapolicyareainwhichinternalandexternalpoliciesareinextricably linked and where EU integration greatly enhanced the economic welfare and global role of EUMemberStates.
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