cover image: EFSAS STUDY PAPER No. 8 | October 2023 EU-India Relations


EFSAS STUDY PAPER No. 8 | October 2023 EU-India Relations

9 Oct 2023

The paper initially traces the historical backdrop of EU-India ties before zeroing in on two components of the relationship: (1) the trade and investment connectivity and (2) EU-India security cooperation on counterterrorism and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR). [...] In the context of The Hague summit, the EU and India announced the signing of the Joint Action Plan (JAP), which included several key components: ⦁ Political Dialogue and Cooperation: The JAP emphasized the importance of regular political dialogue and consultations at various levels. [...] Although the bilateral relationship has evolved significantly since the creation of the EEC and the transition to the EU, and is reflected in broadened cooperation in a variety of fields, cooperation has frequently remained limited. [...] What is Russia’s role to be? How can States engage with a rising China and what risks, both strategic and economic, does China pose? How do third parties and countries such as the EU and India position themselves in the face of the growing geo-economic and geopolitical competition between China and the US? Ultimately, the EU and India arrive at different conclusions on these key strategic consider. [...] The EU and India have capitalized on the market complementarity of the two economies, making bilateral trade the main driving force of the bilateral relationship despite the BTIA not being signed.
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