cover image: POLICY BRIEF – No. 14/2023 - The Imperative of International Cooperation for EU Competitiveness


POLICY BRIEF – No. 14/2023 - The Imperative of International Cooperation for EU Competitiveness

13 Nov 2023

At the same time, the global interconnectedness of the semiconductor industry makes it challenging for any single country, including China and the US, to dominate the industry, thereby mitigating the risk of geopolitical conflicts that could disrupt the semiconductor supply chain. [...] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. [...] For example, in the EU, the ESOs produce technical standards at the request of the EU Commission.45 For companies and consumers, the benefits of international standardisation are numerous. [...] The F-35 program represents a ground-breaking arms acquisition effort of the century, a joint endeavour between the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s largest defence contractors.51 The uniqueness of the F-35 program lies in its deep interconnectedness with the military air forces of the US and key security allies. [...] and international war fighters operating F-35s worldwide.”62 A report has highlighted that the F-35 falls short of meeting its combat readiness objectives and lags behind the performance levels achieved in 2022.63 Moreover, the rapid modernisation of the Chinese military poses a significant challenge to the F-35’s role in the evolving global security landscape.64 From the perspective of European g.
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