cover image: © 2023 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.


© 2023 Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

28 Nov 2023

The global illicit economy in 2022: A year of division 25 finding 5 The influence criminal actors exert has strengthened since the pandemic Regardless of structure and their subsequent criminal actor types, even mafia-style groups have classification under the Index, the reach and increased in prevalence over the past couple of breadth of influence of perpetrators of organized years – growth that. [...] The inclusion scores for all four original typologies, it was the of the private sector as a criminal actor in this weight of the newly introduced private sector second edition of the Index is a recognition of the actors indicator that pushed the average score fact that the private sector is a key intermediary so high. [...] By providing Providing a thorough, holistic view of organized metrics-based data, the Index facilitates the Index crime dynamics, the Index evaluates all 193 UN work of different stakeholders in implementing member states in terms of the scope and scale of strategies to counter illicit economies, and equips criminality, on the one hand, and their resilience, them with the means to measure the effi. [...] The assessment of the criminal markets subcomponent entails determining the monetary and non-monetary impact of a market (considering different factors such as the geographic concentration of the market, the number of people affected by or involved in the market, the presence of violence, the scarcity of the commodity illicitly traded). [...] Overall, very minor changes in resilience look past the macro-level averages and assess the were observed globally under the 2023 Index regional and national complexities that predicate (which stood unchanged at a global average of the ability of a state to deal with and withstand the 4.81) and the order of highest- to lowest-scoring threat of organized crime.
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