Editors' Choice 2024

User icon Toby Green
21 February 2024
218 items

Every week, Gary Price and I choose new and noteworthy reports for Policy Matters, a newsletter that goes out to our growing community of registered users. Here are reports we've chosen so far in 2024.

Ofcom: Office of Communications · 19 April 2024

The Children’s Media Lives project follows, as far as possible. the same group of 21 children aged 8 to 17, conducting filmed interviews each year to learn about their media …

14 March 2024

The observation of individuals attaining remarkable ages, and their concentration into geographic sub-regions or ‘blue zones’, has generated considerable scientific interest. Proposed drivers of remarkable longevity include high vegetable intake, …

Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston · 15 March 2024

This is the Initial Interim Report by the Independent Commission to Investigate the Facts of the Tragedy in Lewiston; the mass shootings that occurred in Lewiston, Maine, on October 25, …

Productivity Commission · 10 July 2024

This report by the Productivity Commission investigates economic mobility in Australia, focusing on life course mobility, intergenerational mobility, and the prevalence of poverty. It highlights that while Australia fares well …

Polimapper · 18 March 2024

The next general election looks set to return the highest proportion of newly elected MPs since 1945. • The UK’s political parties have now selected just under 90% of their …

The Australia Institute · 20 March 2024

Academic publishing houses are among the most profitable businesses in the world. They charge exorbitant fees for access to research that the public funds. The global momentum toward a free …

eSafety: eSafety Commissioner (Australia) · 20 June 2024

In 2023, eSafety collaborated with researchers from Deakin University and the Queensland University of Technology to conduct a qualitative study into the online experiences of young men. The project explores …

QUT: Queensland University of Technology · 31 July 2024

The research community’s fixation on journal prestige is harming research quality, as someresearchers focus onwhereto publish instead ofwhat. We examined researchers’ publicationpreferences using a discrete choice experiment in a cross-sectional …

12 May 2024

This paper estimates that the macroeconomic damages from climate change are six times larger than previously thought. We exploit natural variability in global temper- ature and rely on time-series variation. …